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The History of Modern Biomedicine
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Wellcome gifts for Christmas (and the New Year)
A Wellcome leap year day?
Pyjamas on Everest and in the lab - tales from the NIMR
Register of interest: Bowel cancer and the Polyposis Registry
Building Henrietta: DIY electrophysiology in the 1950s
Witness Seminars
What is a Witness Seminar
Wellcome Witnesses Volumes
Clips & Conversations
British Pharmacological Society
Toy Stories
Drugs and pharmacologists
Aronson, Jeff
Bakhle, Mick
Blackburn, Tom
Burnstock, Geoffrey
Flower, Rod
Green, Richard
Humphrey, Pat
Marsden, Charles
Miner, Wes
Moncada, Salvador
North, Alan
Sanger, Gareth
Silver, Ann
Epidemiology and environment
Air Pollution
Biles, Brian
Derrett, Chris
Lord, Philip
Macfarlane, Alison
Norris, Keith
Seaton, Anthony
Bainton, David
Elwood, Peter
Hugh-Jones, Philip
Hughes, Janie
Jones, Marion
Kilpatrick, Stewart
Macfarlane, Alison
Miall, William
Nunn, Andrew
St Leger, Selwyn
Sweetnam, Peter
Tudor Hart, Julian & Thomas, Mary
Waters, Estlin
Yarnell, John
Global Health
Hodgson, Shirley
Nunn, Andrew
Parry, Eldryd
Public Health
Booth, Christopher
Inman, Bill
Macfarlane, Alison
Moore-Gillon, John
Will, Eric
Waste Management
Coggins, Chris
Cooper, Jeff
Dennis, Barry
Ferguson, John
Gronow, Jan
Petts, Judith
Ruddock, Joan and Cooper, Jeff
Sharp, Ernie
Wright, Mick
Genetics and geneticists
Bakker, Bert
Dubowitz, Victor
Ferguson-Smith, Malcolm
Harper, Peter
Hodgson, Shirley
MacLeod, Patrick
Neale, Kay
Pembrey, Marcus
Rawlings, Chris
Medical practice and education
Harper, Peter
Hodgson, Shirley
Parry, Eldryd
Nervous system and neuroscientists
Chronobiology and SAD
Arendt, Josephine
Rosenthal, Norman
Blackburn, Tom
Green, Richard
Humphrey, Pat
Marsden, Charles
Moncada, Salvador
Sanger, Gareth
Silver, Ann
Today's Neuroscience, Tomorrow's History
Burnstock, Geoffrey
Frackowiak, Richard
Frith, Uta
Gregory, Richard
Jones, Terry
Mansfield, Peter
Moncada, Salvador
North, Alan
Ordidge, Roger
Rutter, Michael
Silver, Ann
Warrington, Elizabeth
Technology and techniques
Cameron, Dugald
Frackowiak, Richard
Jones, Terry
Lord, Philip
Mansfield, Peter
Marsh, Jonathan
Norris, Keith
Ordidge, Roger
Pinder, Andrew
Rawlings, Chris
Sawkins, John
Will, Eric
Voices of Modern Biomedicine
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Public Engagement
Drugs: Medical Marvels or Malevolent Molecules
'Maud, Nettie, Ghetel and George'
MRC National Institute of Medical Research: The Place The People...
Was the First World War Good for Medicine?
"What's new!?" The life and legacy of Sir Christopher Booth
Young Discoverers
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Items tagged with: Roger Jones
Files & Multimedia
Peptic Ulcer: Rise and Fall
Recent Announcements
Quote of the Month: Professor Gareth Sanger
Monday, 15 May 2017
Colouring competition winner
Friday, 5 May 2017
Image of the Month: Professor Kate Bushby
Tuesday, 2 May 2017
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